Learn how to smoothly create static rotations and flow your combos in this comprehensive workshop. The basics of static flow will be focussed on for the first part of this workshop, followed by applying these concepts in more advanced movements. This workshop is ideal for adv and above, but can be modified for inters students as well
Strap on your stilettos, slip on some knee pads and let's get slinky in this heels based workshop. Not only will you work up a sweat learning this choreography, but you will also learn Mischka's favourite sequences of dance and basework movements around the pole. This style will have you dropping, sliding and scooting all over the floor. Suitable for intermediate and above. Can be tailored for beginners.
Get dynamic with Mischka in this workshop designed to help you become the master of your momentum and the trickster of your dreams! Including a number of singular tricks as well as trick combinations, you will learn some of Mischka's favourite go to movements that she is most well known for. This workshop is appropriate for advanced-elite level, but can be modified for the ability of intermediate students.
Learn some of Mischka's favourite edgework sequences and flows in this comprehensive workshop that incorporate drills to refine your skills, followed by movement that explores every edge of your stiletto. You can request from Mischka to learn sequences of movements, or to learn a choreographed piece. Heels are a must for this workshop (sandals recommended for more flexed foot articulation, but boots will also be fine), and bring your knee pads in case of floor work sequences.
Learn Mischka's go to spin favourites in this comprehensive workshop which covers splits, backbends, elbow holds and unique trick combinations. Suitable for advanced and above level students. Can be tailored to intermediate level students.
Learn Mischka's favourite basework and acro combinations in this workshop. Comprising of pole handstands and combinations, floor and travelling acro movement, kips, flips, and a whole lotta fun! Suitable for intermediate and above.
This workshop hell of a good time! It incorporates some of Mischka's favourite flip and kip transitions that regularly make an appearance in her IG feed. This workshop will include some faux flips as well as some big spooky flips that Mischka will safely guide and spot you through. It will also involve kips to feet and knees, so bring your shoes and knee pads! This workshop is appropriate for inters and above, but can also be tailored to adv/elite level. It is ideal that you can invert and confidently leg hang.
Slip on your knee pads and lace up your boots! This is a fun and dynamic workshop involving all the WOW hard style tricks that you can incorporate into your next hard style choreo. It will involve both singular tricks and sequences of tricks and dance, and is suitable for inters and above.
This workshop involves all of Mischka's favourite gooey floor flow sequences and tricks. You will be shoulder standing, shoulder rolling, splitting, sliding and slithering across the floor, so bring your heels and knee pads. This workshop is suitable for inters and above, as Mischka will accomodate to the class with regressions and progressions.
This workshop is perfect for those that want to improve their flexibility and learn a thing or two along the way! Mischka's background in exercise rehabilitation makes this one of her favourite workshops as she can apply the knowledge gained from her masters degree to your flexibility goals. It's Mischka's passion to keep her students as informed as possible about their own bodies, so be prepared for some knowledge AND flexibility gains!